Saturday Morning

Journaling Series

A New Feature Class for You!

Saturday Morning Guided Journaling Workshops with Andrea. 

Chef Andrea has always been a passionate journaler, since way back in her high school days.  It’s a practice that has allowed her to create space for exploring feelings, ideas, concepts and ultimately even how she began to create her Cooking Studio. 

Journaling can feel daunting to some and can often be passed aside as either not important, or, somehow too indulgent. 

Andrea wants to break through those stereotypes and share her passion for all kinds of journaling with you.  

A focus on Intentional Living is the path to finding peace, real self-care and healing, in our everyday lives.  This focus and path are keys to healing stress, sleep issues, depression, anxiety, and the overwhelm that life is in these incredibly distracting and over stimulating times.

Our lives have been blessed with lifesaving technologies and ways to communicate we never imagined. But they come at a price too.  We have visual images bombarding us from every direction from the moment we open our eyes each day.  There are phones, pads, computers and tv’s in a constant flow with nonstop distractions.  

Our society has embraced the concepts of speed and multitasking to a point that is sending most of us into a constant state of stress.  

Our brains, our eyes, our ears, our bodies are constantly being stimulated with outside prompts and we are beginning to really see the downside of all of this.  We are more stressed, tired, burnout, and overwrought than ever.  And finding a way to break out seems nearly impossible (want to get away from your phone? There’s an app for that… ) yeeks.

Finding just 10 minutes each morning, to detach from those stimuli and put pen to paper, has been proven by modern science to recalibrate our brains and reset our bodies.  Our blood pressure lowers, as our heart rate also slows.  Our brains are allowed to rekindle areas that are not allowed to function during “screen time” or “scrolling” and we begin to remember what quiet really feels like. 

A daily journaling practice is a perfect and easy start. You do not need to be a Master Writer to make this happen either – journaling can be as easy as jotting down a list of your favorite foods you want to try to get into your menus this month.  A few simple words to describe your best day so far this week, or even just doodling with colored pens or pencils.  Any time spent with paper, away from a screen, is journaling.    

While “Dear Diary” is one kind of journaling, it’s not the whole story and too often we tell ourselves that diaries are not our “thing”.  But, gratitude lists, happiness tracking, baking, recipe reading, art, doodling, is all part of a healthy journaling practice. Andrea is here to guide you into this world  that is proven by medical science to benefit us mentally, emotionally and physically.

What to expect:

Saturday Morning Guided Journal Sessions:  

These hour and a half prompted journal sessions are an amazing start to your weekend.  Andrea shares a theme or topic, or a prompt. We spend time writing, talking as we like, and adding anything creative to our journals that speak to us in the moment -many supplies including markers, pens, stickers and yes, even journals, are provided. Breaks in-between to stretch, refresh coffee, tea or snacks.

We provide Coffee, Tea, Water, Sparkling Water and morning friendly bites. If art supplies are needed we provide.  You just bring the journal you are working in (or any notebook or sketchpad)

This hour and a half will set you up for the best weekend! You do not need to be “good” at writing, or even journaling.  This space is about exploring, communicating, and connecting.  The journaling comes as it likes.  You are so welcome here. 

2025 Journaling series:

Saturdays 10-11:30 am $50 (are you staying for our noon class too? Save $10.00 on your journal workshop if so – we will take discount at the register when you pay for both)

February 2025

Let your inner child out to play for these creative  outlets in February.  I share my own collage collections and we try the process for ourselves.  The vision boards can be tiny, clean, big, messy, it's entirely up to you and you can create collages for very specific goals, or broad long term dreams too.

The collage as art collected things is a great way to start using up all of those favorite bits from cards, wrapping paper, tags, ticket stubs you name it – lets get creative and energize our brains on this Saturday morning! 

  • February 15 - Week 3 Collage/Art journaling Part 1 – let’s make vision boards
  • February 22 - Week 4 Collage/Art journaling Part 2 – lets use stickers, and collected things

March 2025

Gratitude and happiness tracking are proven science. You will feel better – it's just a fact! These days the hot topic is dopamine journals, you know it's all the same idea and in the end, a few tips to getting these practices set up will for sure  lift your spirits.  

  • March 1 - Week 1 Gratitude, Happiness and Truths Journaling – how, why, and reasons and let’s make it!

Are you ready to get your 2025 reading goals in line? Have you already read some things this year that are beginning to “fade” from your memory? Are you wondering why you haven’t gotten on track with some reading goals you set for this year? Reading journals can take on any form that works for you and serve as a great goal keeping, or just memory keeping tool.  Let's make some together and get our brains full of creative energy.

  • March 22 - Week 2 Reading Journals – how, why, and lets make a Reading Journal

Are you ready to get started today? Find our free PDF Happiness tracker on the web page at under “intentional living” and get started! 

Also find me on YouTube at Journals4Breakfast for flip throughs of my own journals and discussion about everything from burnout cures, intentional living, art practices and more

Find me on Instagram @Journals4Breakfast for journaling prompts and inspiration 

"We welcome all who love to cook!”

We opened A. Chef’s Cooking Studio Facebook page to you and your friends! Share recipes, ask questions of the chef, post photos of your cooking adventures, etc!

Chef Andrea
Chef Andrea
Chef Andrea
Restaurant Owner

"I've always been a lover of art and food, so the idea of a Studio for cooks was a dream of mine. Home cooks, professional cooks, those who want to learn, and those who want to share, would have a Studio to call home!"

Chef Andrea
Our location

Visit us!

145 Hilden Road, Suite 119
Ponte Vedra, FL 32081

A. Chef’s Studio is available by appointment only.

Have a question?

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Call Us904-827-1350